Enjoy the authentic taste and aromatic blend of Mumtaz cooking sauces. A perfect mix of all the ingredients required to create a delicious restaurant-quality dish. Each sauce is inspired by an authentic recipe served in our restaurants. You can now use our Mumtaz At Home range to enjoy delicious recipes in the comfort of your own home....
So look no further, if you want to rustle up a quick & tasty Indian curry, our cooking sauces are here to make it happen. Our dedicated team has put together the perfect ingredients in beautifully packaged bottles. All ingredients are sourced fresh and put together to offer a mouth-watering and authentic dining experience.
These cooking sauces certainly take the effort out of cooking, while still offering delicious results. What's more, the bottles come with easy-to-use instructions, in just a few steps. So you can have dishes ready to serve and guaranteed to impress, in no time at all!
Our range of flavours encompasses the taste of various Pakistani curry dishes. This includes the famous Tikka sauce, typically used with chicken. We also offer Karahi sauce named after the deep, wok-like pot in which the dish is traditionally cooked. The delicious creamy & nutty Mahkani sauce is a must-try, while the Korma and Achari sauce are packed with flavour and punch. Furthermore, each sauce has been tried and tested by our chefs who give a big thumbs up to the taste and quality of the dish.
Whichever you choose, our sauces are a simple and delicious way to add flavour and adventure to your dishes. Experiment with each different sauce and find the ones that you love the most.
You can order yours now, just add your selection to the cart, checkout, and leave the rest to us. We will prepare your items and have them delivered right to your door. Enjoy great flavours and tastes without all the effort, with Mumtaz At Home.